Saturday, September 9, 2017

Beauty of robots.txt

If you are a computer geek who plays Capture the flag and stuff you probably know what this is.
Let's see what is robots.txt.

Have you ever wondered how your search engine crawls through hundreds of web pages in websites and give you exact page which contains the content that you searched? Or what gives instructions to your search engine? In a more clear and accurate way, how the search engine knows which pages he should crawled through. Well this is where robots.txt comes in to play. robots.txt is a text file webmasters create to instruct web robots (typically search engine robots) how to crawl pages on their website.

Basic format of the robots.txt file would look like this,

 There can be multiple lines of User-agent, Disallow statements in a single robots.txt file.

  • User-agent : The specific user-agent (web crawler) to which we give instructions.
  • Allow : This works only with Googlebot. Says Googlebot can access particular directory or sub directory even the parent directory of that is disallowed. 
  • Disallowed : Tells not to crawl on the particular URL.
  • Sitemap : Used to call out the location of any XML sitemap(s) associated with this URL. 
  • Crawl-delay : Says how many milliseconds the crawler should wait before crawling through the content

Let's say there is a robots.txt file like this.

User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /

This says Googlebot cannot crawl on any page of this particular website.


1. robots.txt file should be in the top directory of the website. (eg:-
2. File name is case sensitive. All in simple.
3. robots.txt is not for hiding private information. Any website which has a robots.txt must make it publicly available.
4. If the sub domain changes the robots.txt file should also be changed.
eg - and should have two different robots.txt files.
5. Best practice - add sitemap at the bottom of the robots.txt file.

Which network adapter you should use in Virual Machine

If you are installing or importing virtual machines on whatever the platform you use (eg - Virtualbox, VMware) you might have wondered what are those networking options you find under network adapter settings. Well in most of the times you just switch from one to another until it gives you the output you expect. But it will be useful and come in handy if you know what they actually do and why those options are there.

In virtual box you will find this under options -> network

As you can see there are 6 options without not attached option.
Let's see why these guys are there.

1. NAT (Network Address Translation)

You can use this mode if you use your virtual machine to access internet, send emails and download files.

2. NAT Network

This is the newer version of NAT the Virualbox came up with. You will find this option on virtualbox version 4.3 onwards.

3. Bridged Adapter

This is considered as the advanced option among others. If your virtual machine runs any server you can use bridge network.

4. Internal Network

This can be used to create a different kind of software-based network which is visible to selected virtual machines, but not to applications running on the host or to the outside world.

5. Host-only Adapter

This can be used to create a network containing the host and a set of virtual machines, without the need for the host's physical network interface. Instead, a virtual network interface (similar to a loopback interface) is created on the host, providing connectivity among virtual machines and the host.

6. Generic Driver

This can be used if you want to interconnect two different virtual machines running on different hosts directly, easily and transparently, over existing network infrastructure.

7. Not attached

VirtualBox reports to the guest that a network card is present, but that there is no connection.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Overthewire - Natas

Level 0-1

Right click on the web page and go to the inspect element. From there we can go through the HTML source code of the web page. Inside a <div> element we can see the password for natas1.

<!--The password for natas1 is gtVrDuiDfck831PqWsLEZy5gyDz1clto -->

Level 1-2

Change the URL from to
You will see there is a text on the web page saying right clicking has been blocked. What you can do is add a plugin to your web browser which facilitates same function that inspect element function provides. If you are using Mozilla Firefox under tools, in web developer category you will find “Inspect”. Click on it. Go to first <div> element. You will see the password for natas2.

<!--The password for natas2 is ZluruAthQk7Q2MqmDeTiUij2ZvWy2mBi -->

Level 2-3

 When you go to inspect elements you can see something like this.
<img src = "files/pixel.png">


Add  /files/pixel.png to the end of the URL and hit enter

Click on pixel.png. There will be nothing. Now click on users.txt.


Password for natas3 is right there.

Level 3-4

There is a text on the web page saying not even the google can find this.
Type "How google finds websites" on google and read contents that are in the results.
You will know how google crawl through websites to find information.

I found this on a search result,

Now google about robots.txt files in website. Then you will get to know that robots.txt file is used by developers to store information about the website.
Add /robots.txt to the end of the URL and hit enter.

now erase /robots.txt and add /s3cr3t/ and hit enter.

Click on users.txt file. Password is right there.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Burp Suite- Spider

We use Burp Suite free edition software which is installed in kali linux operating system. Burp covers over 100 generic vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS), with great performance against all vulnerabilities in the OWASP top 10.
    In this we use “spider” tool in Burp Suite. Burp Spider is a tool for automatically crawling web applications. While it is generally preferable to map applications manually, you can use Burp Spider to partially automate this process for very large applications, or when you are short of time.
I used google-gruyere website for testing purposes. This website is vulnerable for various vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting and SQL injection.

First of I configured proxy in the web browser. ( ip address -
Then visit the web site.

Then open burp suite. In order to access this website in the browser you should forward all data packets from burp suite “Target” section.
In the site map section all the websites that have been accessed will be listed down. From there I find Then I right click on it and select “spider this host”.

 By going to spider -> control I can make sure that the “spider” is running properly.

Once I clicked on “spider this host” burp suite started to scan through the website. Finally it displays all the web pages(html, text files) in the middle section of it.

Here you go. You have retrieved all the web pages in the website.

How to secure your passwords

Why passwords MUST be protected? Some of you know the reason but most of you guys are keeping your passwords safe because you see other people do it or just because of the meaning of the word "password". If you think that your Facebook password must be protected more than your Twitter account password because you don't use Twitter often you are completely wrong. I will leave the link here for you to read the story of "Epic Hacking - Mat Honan" to understand how much damage a single password can do!  

First of all we should look at how to secure passwords.There are too many ways to do this but some of them are not that much accurate.

1. Two factor authentication.  

This is the best way to secure passwords. Two factor authentication means instead of using one means of authentication (static/dynamic) user use two means of authentication (static & static/ dynamic & dynamic / static & dynamic ).

What are these static and dynamic means of authentication? 
Static - Something that user knows or user possesses. eg:- ID card, Passcode
Dynamic - Something that user does or user is. eg:- Hand movements, Voice recognition, IRIS scanning

Advantage of having Two factor authentication is that even though an attacker knows the password for a particular account he will not get the access to it. In order to get that he has to find out the other factor also. Facebook, Gmail and other social media and services provide Two factor authentication.

2. Combination of lower case, upper case, alpha numerical characters

Passwords are vulnerable to brute force attacks. Therefore if you only use upper case or lower case letters it will be easy for an attacker to break your password.

3. Having a password which contains at least 8 characters 

When the password length increases according to that number of combinations also get increase. If the number of combinations are huge process of breaking the password will take huge amount of time. Sometimes it will be not possible for the attacker because the process requires a lot of processing power.

4. Always avoid using solitary words

Solitary means existing alone. That means do not use words that exists in any language.

5. Do not use names of people, places, things, and characters 

6. Do not write down passwords 

Since people do not like to memorize passwords they tend to write them down on papers. Sometimes they write down credentials on a sticky note and paste it on the monitor at the work place. If that is the case why they have a password to log in? Anyone can use anyone's device or an account. 

7. Always log out from devices or accounts once you are done. Otherwise workstation hijacking can occur. 



Thursday, August 3, 2017

Scams on social media platforms

How many times you log into social media sites within a day? A lot right? So you must know what are the possible scams in social media platforms.

1. An attacker can ask people to share a particular post or his/her own website on other social media platforms in order to get access to a particular file or video.

2. When users go to view videos in a particular website the website will ask to install plugins to watch the video. This plugin might be a trojan horse program which will harm users’ computer or data.

3. Another incident would be click baits. Article or a video might look like it has some shocking information but the actual content inside that can be utter waste.

4. One of the most popular methods attackers use is sweepstakes or lotteries.
They will ask to fill form and submit to win a prize (g:- iPhones, trip to Malaysia etc)

5. In holiday seasons like Christmas you will be seeing a lot of fake charity events in social media platforms. They will ask you to donate money.

 What are the intentions behind these scams?

1. Build a relationship
Once you submitted a form they will get your e-mail addresses and send e-mails about various different things such as advertisements, social awareness things.

2. Gather information
If the other party doing a survey or something they will gather all your information and put together to come up with a conclusion (eg :- what is the most popular mail service among people )

3. Exploit any identified vulnerability
Assume that there is a mail service called A and attackers find out a vulnerability in A server which can be used to hack all the customers of mail service A. Attackers can go through submitted forms and find out people who use service A. Then their accounts will be hacked.

4. Financial benefits
People who gather information can sell those information to another person or to an organization. This is called information brokering.

How to avoid scams?

1. Avoid clicking on suspicious links and videos.

2. Always look at the URL displayed in URL bar. If it does not look familiar or does not come from the website you wanted to visit close the window without clicking on anything.

3. Some of these scam sites are hosted on free hosting sites. Therefore they are served on HTTP . If you see HTTP instead of HTTPS(Secured) avoid it.

4. Give dummy values in textboxes if you do not trust.

5. In emails check sender’s email address. Attackers can be very smart but you have the responsible to notice even tiny differences between bogus and valid email addresses.

Monday, July 31, 2017

How to use Wireshark

 Wireshark is the most widely used packet analyzer in the world. What can we do with this tool? Actually there are limits.  If you think that you can hack into a system using wireshark that is not the case. You can actually gather information which you will need to hack into someone's system or account using Wireshark.

Visit this link to download the latest version of Wireshark.

Download and install the wireshark according to your system preferences. 
Fire it up. You will see this user interface.

You can see all the network interfaces in your device such as WLAN, eth0 ,  p2p0.

If you are using Wifi just enable Wifi only. Do not enable other interfaces. Because then it will become hard for you to find expected output in results.
Once you click on start button Wireshark will start monitoring wifi traffic.
At the top of the GUI you will see a search bar called filter. This text box is very useful if you are a newbie to Wireshark. There are hundreds of filter commands out there you can use when doing your information gathering.

From this point onwards we will be looking at how to use Wireshark effectively.

Visit a website which as a login form. (Wireshark has to be on)

Now log in.  After you try username and password come back to Wireshark and stop the capturing.

In the filter section type "frame contains username".
You can right click on the login form and check the textbox names. (eg- username). Otherwise filter will not work.

Now wireshark will extract only the packets which contains username out of the result. This will make you stop wasting time going through each and every packet in the result.

As you can see there are only 4 packets in the results now.  Now for next step it is important to have a little bit of understanding on how TCP 3-way handshake works.

This can be used to identify packets when you are analyzing manually. How can you know whether a particular packet is sent by you or received by you(request or reply)? You can identify these things with the help of SYN, ACK values.

Right click on each packet to go through its tcp stream.

You will find username and password you entered in the TCP stream( The login site you used has to be served on HTTP).

What if someone installs Wireshark on his machine and you log into one of your accounts using his machine without knowing Wireshark is there? He can get your login credentials and log into your account at anytime he wants.

These are important filters you should know. 

1) Obtain only genuine http request of the given logs.
http and tcp

2) Search for a particular IP.
ip.addr == <ip_address>

3) Search for a packet which contains an image
frame contains <name>.gif

4) ARP packet from 00:0b:86:6e:69:68 to 80:56:f2:25:63:40
arp and frame contains 00:0b:86:6e:69:68

5) To display HTTP packets with source or destination IP address equals to <Some IP>
http and ip.addr==<IP_address>

6) To display packets with source port equals to <portnumber> and destination port equals to <port>
filter - tcp.srcport eq <portnumber> and tcp.dstport eq <port>

7) To display packets with a TCP SYN flag.
filter - tcp.flags.syn == 1

8) To find the authentication username and password
filter - http.authorization


 I hope you guys learned something from this blog post.  Cheers !